
LIPOSUCTION is removal excessive bodyfat accumulated in different body parts through suction

Primarily employed as a body contouring procedure not as weight reduction procedure.

 Ideal candidate for liposuction is with BMI (body mass index) <30 and has deposits of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet.

Surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic with sedation, depending on the area of the body being treated and amount of fat being removed. For a Liposuction Surgery Cosmetic Surgeon will make a small incision in the area being treated, infiltrate the area with tumescent solution. Anaesthetic component of the solution makes the part numb and adrenaline content in the solution will prevent bleeding. Fine cannula is inserted through same incision, which is then attached to a vacuum device that removes the fat cells quickly and efficiently. Post operatively patient will have   pain and bruising that will subside one to two weeks after surgery. However full recovery from liposuction surgery usually takes between six and eight weeks and during this time patients need to wear a support garment to keep the treated area supported and protected. It may take around six to eight months to establish full results. Usually one week of rest is sufficient and one can resume to job with supportive garments.

Is Liposuction is a weight reduction surgery?

No, Liposuction should never be used as a solution to weight loss, therefore if you’re already at overweight and want to reduce weight by means of surgery, Liposuction may not be a suitable option. If you’re at your ideal weight but your overall cosmetics for example, your thighs, arms, trunk and hips are not as proportionate as you’d like them to be, then Liposuction is a suitable option for you.

My BMI is >30, am I a suitable candidate for liposuction?

NO, Liposuction is recommended primarily to removes stubborn pockets of fat from problem areas to create a more balanced proportion. . We can advise you on any lifestyle changes you need to make before we can consider you for the procedure. You will need a Body Mass Index (BMI) of up to 30 to be a suitable candidate for Liposuction.

Are the results of Liposuction permanent?

The results following liposuction procedure are generally long lasting, if one maintains a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Can I combine Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck procedure?

Yes, specially patients following significant weight loss or post-pregnancy, choose to combine the two procedures. Liposuction is used to remove pockets of fat from whilst & back while Tummy Tuck can get rid you of loose and excess skin.

Can I have multiple procedures at the same time?

Yes, Liposuction and tummy tuck, liposuction in different parts (thighs and trunk, hand and trunk), liposuction and fat grafting can be combined as they are complementary procedures.

Will the scars visible?

very small, scarring from Liposuction surgery is minimal and barely noticeable. At KALYA’S COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER we understand that every patient is unique and will provide customised approach towards each patient. The entire procedure consultation, counselling, surgery and follow up are performed in a professional approach and under appropriate cost Call 08074286763/ 08987540174 for consultation with our specialists regarding LIPOSUCTION SURGERY.

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director & consultant PLASTIC & COSMETIC Surgeon