face lift

Children and young adults have smooth, round face due to evenly distributed fatty tissues and well-toned skin. As age advances, the skin sags and folds appear around the chin, jawline and neck because of loss of elastic property of skin, volume loss over face and gravity. Skin can begin to wrinkle and sag as a result of age, sun exposure and smoking.
Facelift surgery or a Rhytidectomy, is tightening of facial skin and subcutaneous layers and removal of excess skin to restore a more youthful appearance by removing wrinkles and excessive skin in the med & lower face and neck.
facelift improve facial profile, neck contour and profile by re draping the skin and subcutaneous tissue, can make a patient look five to ten years younger.

Preoperative instructions include:-

we evaluate your medical history and take necessary consultations in order to determine your fitness for surgery. Our plastic & cosmetic surgeon will discuss with you about the procedure and possible result.


Surgery can be done under general anaesthesia, face lift surgery incision starts from the hairline at the temple, continuing onto preauricular area turns around ear lobule extends onto post auricular sulcus to end in posterior hair line. Excess skin is removed, sagging muscles and connective tissues are tightened. In some cases, this procedure is combined with chin surgery or neck lift to remove fat deposits from beneath the chin and neck. Incision line will fade away with time.
A facelift surgery is frequently combined with blepharoplasty, forehead lift, neck lift and/or liposuction, to create an overall rejuvenation of the face.
The healing process following a facelift is gradual. Numbness, bruising and the scar will take time to settle and you will notice final results after six months.
After you have healed, you should protect your skin with sunscreen.
As the age advance again, facial wrinkles start appearing as surgery doesn’t prevent facial aging, so need to undergo revision surgery when necessary.

Complications following facelift surgery are infection, bleeding, facial nerve injury, numbness, asymmetry, scarring, tightness over face and slight change in hair pattern around the incision.


is a minimally invasive procedure performed by passing bidirectional barbed sutures to lift facial tissues in different directions. procedure performed under local anaesthesia and the thread lift is associated with less complications and minimal downtime than classical face lift surgery.
At KALYAN’S COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER we understand that every patient is unique and will provide customised approach towards each patient.
Call 08985740174/ 08074286762 for more information and for consultation with our specialists regarding FACE LIFT SURGERY.


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kalyans cosmetic surgery center



director & consultant PLASTIC & COSMETIC Surgeon