Best Hair Transplant in Hyderabad

hair transplantation

Hair loss is a common problem which causes anxiety in men and women. Correct diagnosis is complex procedure requires clinical examination and lab tests. Every individual experience loss of 60 TO 80 hair strands/day. Hence, if the hair loss is >150 and new hair growth is less than what it should be, then it requires immediate medical attention.

Most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia (male pattern hair loss) both in women and in men.

 In men it affects superior and anterior area of scalp and

 In women mostly present in a diffuse pattern.

Other causes of hair loss include

Baldness results in older looking face and have an impact on self-confidence and social moving.

 We can delay the onset of baldness by timely starting medical management, some conditions even completely reversed with medical management. But for advanced patterned baldness Best Hair Transplant in Hyderabad is the only answer.

An ideal candidate for hair transplantation surgery is :-

Who is Not an ideal candidate

Pre-operative precautions

Post surgery precautions

Don’t be panic as the implanted hair will fall away and new hair will start growing in 4 months and final results can be seen after 6-8 months.


Moving the hair follicle from one part of body (scalp, beard and chest) called as donor site to bald part called recipient site.

Can be done in 2 ways FUE and FUT.


Follicular unit transplant (Strip method) A strip  is taken by cutting a predesigned scalp area usually  from lower back region of head ( Donor area) where hair loss is negligible and hair follicles are resistant to hormonal influence of hair fall and the gap is closed by stitches .Individual   follicles are extracted from strip and implant them on bald area. Will have a scar on back of head.


Follicular unit extraction is the most common procedure performed now a day Will extract hair follicle directly from back of head without cutting and implant them in bald area. No visible scar on back of head. We can extract hair follicles from body and beard also by using same technique. it is found that body hair that only grows an inch or two on the body often grows just as long head hair after the transplant.



Can do hair transplant for eye brows, moustaches and beard.


Hair transplantation in elderly > 50-60 years age group is difficult but can be done in selected individuals. 

Problems include Pre-existing medical illness like diabetes and hypertension, Scanty donor area and Grey hair is difficult to implant as not properly visible under OT lights.

At KALYAN’S COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER we understand that every patient is unique and will provide customised approach towards each patient.

The entire procedure consultation, counselling, surgery and fallow up will be done in a professional approach and under appropriate cost.

Call 08985740174 / 08074286762 for consultation with our specialists regarding hair care and hair transplantation surgery n Best Hair Transplant in Hyderabad.

1)Will the transplanted hair stay for long time?

In general, hair in the front and at the top of the head is lost because it is genetically hormone susceptible. The hair on the sides and lower back is immune to hormone sensitivity and is genetically programmed to grow for a lifetime. it will continue to grow even when it is transplanted on to a different site. This has been proven medically.

2)What are the advantages of hair transplantation surgery?

Looks, grows and feels naturally like wigs and concealers and does not require extra maintenance.

Grows permanently, you can cut, colour & style them.

Entails only a one-time procedure in other modalities where lifetime expense is required.

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kalyans cosmetic surgery center



director & consultant PLASTIC & COSMETIC Surgeon